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The unsung advantages of adult braces

Written by Anthony | December 8, 2016

Does the thought of adult braces put a frown on your face? Truth is, it’s not as scary as it seems. While taking the plunge with adult orthodontia might be daunting, it sure has a lot of perks!

Maybe you’re a bride or groom to be wanting tip top teeth on the big day. Maybe you’re someone wanting straight pearly whites to put your best career foot forward. Maybe you’re just someone who missed out on the whole braces experience during your teens, but are ready now to fast track to a seriously stunning new smile.


If you’re considering a new smile but aren’t sold on any one path, the unsung advantages of adult braces are for you!


Fastest treatment time

You’ve got things to do and people to see. Who’s got time for slowpokes? For a lot of folks, the simple equation of “fast treatment time + better results” is what really gets them on board with the ol’ braces.

Depending on the level of corrective treatment you need (based on how crooked your teeth are), treatment times can vary. This is especially true for solutions, such as Invisalign, which are slower moving options. In comparison, metal braces make for fast and effective treatment.

People will think you’re younger than you are

At first glance, braces can often give you the youthful look. Sure, getting asked for an ID might be a hassle. On the plus side however, it’s almost a compliment… Good ol’ braces make you look anything but old. Why not embrace it?

You’ll eat healthier. Maybe.

No matter your age, the first few weeks of braces are going to hurt. You’ll be sipping soup and munching on soft foods for a short time. You’ll also likely be saying goodbye to a fair few of your favourite sticky, brittle, ultra sugary sweets.

Lunch is rather exciting today, a cuppa soup and yoghurt #adultbracespic.twitter.com/8iKoTkSq3h

— Liza Prideaux (@LizaPrideaux) August 2, 2016

There is, however, a silver lining. It could lead to a little more healthy eating and a lot less junk food. We’re all up for a healthier life!

It’s a one size fits most

There’s no one size fits all solution for you smile, because everyone’s different. Everything from past treatments, conditions of your gums, severity of over or under bite and more will change what treatment is the best fit for you. Metal braces is one treatment that’s a good one size fits most, because it’s suitable for mild to severe cases, it’s less prone to breakage than other solutions and is the fastest, most effective choice.


You’re not alone

All over the world, adults are donning the metal — you’re not alone! So many famous faces including Gwen Stefani, Emma Watson, Prince Harry and Katy Perry, have rocked their own set of braces at some point.

Closer to home, A Current Affair host Leila McKinnon caused a stir when she got braces at the of age of 43.

Image credit: Daily Mail

While her choice of lingual braces, that are attached behind the back of her teeth, make for an inconspicuous solution, many have since noticed a slight lisp. 

Thankth for your interetht in my lithp, yeth I have braceth now, not great in my job but I'm working on it @ACurrentAffair9#ACA

— leilamckinnon (@leilamckinnon) 4 January 2016

The old days of “metal mouth” are a thing of the past. Today’s adult orthodontia are more effective, offer faster treatment, are stronger and more inconspicuous than former styles — forget those braces myths! Your perfect smile could be right around the corner.

If you’re a maybe on the metal braces and are curious on what to expect, we’ve got the guide for you. Try our free ebook for answering all those curly questions, to give you peace of mind!