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What are Damon Braces?

Written by Anthony | March 7, 2016

With so many styles of braces available these days, you'd be forgiven for getting confused by what’s what. While most patients are familiar with traditional metal braces, technology has come a long way since then ― providing patients with a much wider range of treatment options for achieving that sought-after smile.

In recent years, more and more patients have been choosing invisible styles of braces such as Invisalign ® (which we’ve explored in past blog posts) because they’re more comfortable and less noticeable than traditional braces. But Invisalign is not suitable for all patients ― especially if they’re suffering from more severe problems with the alignment of their teeth or jaw. For these patients, self-ligating braces or Damon braces can offer better results.

If you’re thinking “okay great...but exactly what are Damon braces?”, read on to find out how this style of braces works and what they can do for you.


Damon braces and self-ligating brackets

Damon braces are actually just one brand of what orthodontists commonly know as self-ligating braces. It’s a bit like calling a tissue a Kleenex, or a can of cola as a Coke. Some people may refer to them as Clarity braces, Victory braces or Speed braces too — but regardless of what term you use, the underlying technology is all the same.

Self-ligating braces are fitted to the teeth in the same way as traditional metal braces. However, the mechanism they use for moving teeth into the right position is different. With standard braces, your smile is realigned using a system of small wires and brackets which are connected to the teeth. By adjusting these brackets and making them tighter, your orthodontist can increase the tension in your braces as your teeth gradually shift into the correct position.

On the other hand, self-ligating or Damon braces feature a special slide mechanism that sits between the wires and brackets, allowing your braces to automatically adjust as your teeth realign. This self-tightening system replaces the elastics which are used in traditional braces.


What are the advantages of self-ligating braces?

Apart from the ability to naturally adjust to the movement of your teeth over time, there’s a suite of advantages you can get from self-ligating braces, including:

  • fewer trips to the orthodontist’s clinic for routine adjustments to your braces;
  • less discomfort to your mouth compared to traditional braces, as the self-ligating system is more gentle and uses less pressure;
  • a low-profile (virtually invisible) treatment option for patients who are not suitable candidates for Invisalign;
  • faster treatment time;
  • a reduction in the friction caused by wearing traditional metal braces, which can irritate the mouth when they don’t fit the changing position of your teeth;
  • and, less opportunity for food and bacteria to become stuck in between your teeth and cause decay, as they ensure your braces maintain a snug fit even as teeth shift. 


Do we use Damon braces?

The term ‘Damon braces’ is often used interchangeably with self-ligating braces, but essentially they mean the same thing. At Inner West Orthodontics, we use whatever the most effective and up-to-date technology there is available ― which is why we currently use the Victory and Clarity self-ligating bracket systems for our patients. Manufactured by the trusted 3M company, these brackets use the same techniques and benefits as Damon braces (including the option to choose clear, low-profile brackets so that your braces are less noticeable).

If you’d like to find out how self-ligating braces can give you a set of pearlies to be proud of, contact Inner West Orthodontics today. We can arrange a consultation with our specialist orthodontist, Dr Anthony Pistolese, who will assess your teeth and explain all the treatment options available to ensure you get that perfect smile.