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Will Braces make sensitive teeth worse?

Written by Anthony | July 4, 2015

Are you considering braces but are concerned about the potential they may create for pain, discomfort or sensitive teeth? It’s true that orthodontic treatment is not always sunshine and rainbows...however, with modern treatment options like Invisalign ®, there’s no longer any need to fear it.

Before making the decision about which type of treatment option is best for you, let’s run through the facts about what causes tooth sensitivity — and what you can do to avoid it before getting your metal or Invisalign braces fitted.

Sensitive teeth — the root cause

If you suffer from sensitive teeth, you'll know how frustrating it can be to do the most simple of tasks — whether that be brushing, eating ice cream or simply breathing in cold air. These daily activities can cause immense discomfort for sufferers — so it’s little wonder that you might be concerned about braces making it worse.

But what exactly causes tooth sensitivity?

Tooth sensitivity reflects the body’s response to damage within the gum tissue. When gum tissue begins to recede, the parts of your teeth that are normally covered by protective enamel become exposed — which is what causes the nerve pain or sensitivity that sufferers complain of. But what actually causes this process to happen in the first place?

There's numerous reasons why gum damage and sensitivity may occur. Some of the major causes include:

  • brushing teeth with too much force or with a toothbrush that is too hard (this can wear down your teeth's enamel);
  • gum recession;
  • acidic beverages (such as carbonated drinks, sweet drinks and fruit juices, which erode tooth enamel);
  • damage to the root nerve or other physical damage that exposes the gum;
  • ageing (tooth enamel naturally deteriorates as we get older); and
    tooth grinding.

How can I avoid sensitive teeth?

Over-brushing or brushing teeth immediately after eating will wear down the gum line, and as this recedes, the porous roots of your teeth are revealed — just like you’re exposing a raw nerve. If your teeth have become sensitive due to over-brushing, your orthodontist or dentist will educate you on how to better maintain your dental hygiene without causing damage — including proper brushing technique and how to choose the right kind of toothbrush.

Although brushing straight after a meal is not usually recommended, for people with braces it's important to follow a strict brushing routine. That's because food can more easily get trapped between your teeth and braces — and when that happens, bacteria is created and cavities result. This makes you much more susceptible to tooth sensitivity and pain. Your orthodontist will show you the correct tools and method to use when brushing and caring for your braces in order to minimise the risk of developing cavities or other irritation caused by trapped remnants of food.

Some foods can be more problematic than others, so avoid hard, crunchy or sticky foods or anything with a high sugar content — these are likely to make your teeth inflamed and more susceptible to sensitivity (know more on what foods to avoid while wearing braces). You may also find that the use of a toothpaste specifically designed to decrease nerve sensitivity helps. 

Will braces make my teeth more sensitive?

For those contemplating braces, the pre-existence of tooth sensitivity can be an enormous concern. In order to effectively shift the teeth and obtain a perfect smile, braces put pressure on the teeth and gums — which may exacerbate any pain or existing sensitivity. However, this is most often a short lived result, occurring only as teeth and gums begin to accommodate the adjustment process.

While it is normal for braces to cause some minor tooth sensitivity, they should not result in extreme or ongoing discomfort. If your teeth feel particularly sensitive while wearing braces, it's likely to be caused by one of the reasons outlined above.

Invisalign and teeth sensitivity

A great alternative for people who suffer extreme tooth sensitivity is Invisalign. It is a removable system that uses a series of medical-grade plastic aligners to gradually shift the teeth over time. Invisalign patients are able to maintain better tooth hygiene, because there is less opportunity for mouth irritation and the development of bacteria that can often occur through exposure to the metal wires, brackets and bands of traditional braces. This ultimately reduces the likelihood of tooth sensitivity caused by braces.

It's also important to remember that it's possible for imperfections such as tooth overcrowding, crooked teeth or overbite to lead to tooth sensitivity. By correcting these issues through orthodontic treatments such as traditional or Invisalign braces, many patients notice significant improvement over time. For this reason, having braces might work out to be the best long term solution for tooth sensitivity.

The long term

Having braces is no longer the hindrance on life that it was once thought to be. Modern orthodontics has led to better technology and new treatment options like Invisalign, which reduces the impact that braces formerly had on lifestyle or comfort. There will be always be some level of soreness or irritation you might feel while wearing any form of braces, but remember: this is only a short term inconvenience.

By fixing your orthodontic issues now, your teeth will become stronger, less prone to sensitivity, and give you more reason to show off your beautiful new smile. If you have more questions about how Invisalign work with sensitive teeth and other treatment options available that minimise the discomfort caused by orthodontic problems, contact us today for a consultation with Dr Anthony Pistolese. Click the image below to get started.