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Wisdom Teeth: To Remove or Not  Remove - And When?

Wisdom teeth, which are also called third molars, usually erupt in our late teenage years, or later, if there is sufficient space in the jaws to allow eruption. Wisdom teeth are usually the last teeth to come through the gums.

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How to choose a top Orthodontist in Sydney

Correcting someone's smile is a huge responsibility, so it's important to find an Orthodontist you can trust to develop a perfect result. There are plenty of Orthodontic Specialists in Sydney and you can easily feel overwhelmed by the options.

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Are sinus-related problems related to needing Braces?

Sometimes when patients get braces to fix a crooked smile, we find that it’s not their teeth that’s the initial cause of their problem. Following an initial consultation and routine x-rays of the mouth and jaw, it's not uncommon to discover an ...

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8 Braces Myths That Just Aren't True

We’ve all heard the braces myths - the ones that the movies love to make fun of and have people signing up for braces in fear. There can be a lot of mystery around braces before you’re sitting in the chair getting sized up by the orthodontist - so ...

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Bruxism treatment: how to stop teeth grinding

You may be surprised to know that bruxism (or teeth grinding) is a common issue which affects many people at some point in life, even if they don’t realise it. Most of the time it’s not a problem and goes away on its own — particularly if brought on ...

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How to find the right orthodontist for you

Have you been thinking about braces or how you can improve the appearance of your smile? No matter how minor your concern, it’s best to find an Orthodontist and get some advice to see if treatment is right for you. But who’s the best Orthodontist in ...

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Should I Get Health Insurance For Braces?

Getting braces is a big commitment. For those who weren't born with perfect teeth (and let's be honest — few of us are), braces can mean a significant investment of both time and money. But what many patients don't realise is how affordable braces ...

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