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Teenage health tips from a Nutritionist

Confidence is about taking care of yourself all-round, from your teeth to your toes. That means keeping active, engaging and challenging your brain, and staying social (and by that we mean in person, not just on screen). But healthy eating is also a ...

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Will Teeth Grinding Affect My Braces?

Also known as bruxism, tooth grinding is a common dental issue that can be experienced by anyone at any time in their life. At Inner West Orthodontics, we often see patients who come in complaining of problems caused through habitual teeth grinding. ...

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Why Invisalign Braces? Why Not?

Braces have come along way from those embarrassing 'metal mouth' contraptions you might remember your school friends sporting, decades ago. Although traditional metal braces are still the most common solution when it comes to correcting severe ...

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7 celebrities you didn't know had Braces

Getting braces can be a nerve-wracking experience. You might be worried about them hurting, or nervous about how you're going to eat or what people might think. You know that you definitely want straighter teeth and the results from braces for teeth ...

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Sport and Braces for your teeth: what are the limits?

While you probably already know the benefits of braces for your teeth (perfect smile, beautifully straight teeth, decreased chance of needing treatment when you’re older), there are some parts of the treatment that may seem like they kind of suck. ...

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4 food groups to avoid with Braces

As a parent, the decision to get braces for children is an enormous investment in their future wellbeing. Braces are not always the most desirable option from your child’s point of view; they take some special care and require a few lifestyle ...

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How to relieve Braces pain: 5 remedies

For crooked teeth, an overbite, underbite, cross bite or jaw or joint problems, braces are often the only treatment that will ensure your child will have a flawless smile. Unfortunately, after teeth braces are first applied, pain is often a ...

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